Benefits of automating the Approval Process for Life Sciences

The Benefits of automating the approval process for Life Sciences are numerous. Heavily regulated industries inherently have a lot of rules. The Life Science industries, including Medical Device, Biotech, and Pharma are no exception. Adhering to complex regulations requires significant amounts of administrative work to ensure that the proper directives are being followed. Extensive regulations also…

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Disruption of the Supply Chain

How Procurement Leaders Can Weather the Costs and Process of Supply Chain Disruption

Are you a procurement leader? Struggling to mitigate the high costs and complexity of processes caused by supply chain disruptions? If the answer is YES, please read on…! Such risks as extreme weather, economic uncertainties, global pandemic, etc., have proven to be absolute threats to procurement and your supply chain. But the good news is,…

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Cut through the chaos

Software that automates Approval Routing / Workflows for QAD Process Requests

Software that automates Approval Routing / Workflow for QAD Process Requests Cut through the Chaos – ISS Group’s Approval Routing/Workflow (iApprove®) technology helps organizations reduce operational costs and improve employee satisfaction by providing request and approval process definition, approval workflow automation, and process visibility. ISS Group streamlines the approval process across all business areas, such as…

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negotiated price

4 Tips to Ensure Your Teams Using the Right Negotiated Price When They Order Supplies

Your business needs supplies, and when it comes to getting the said supplies, you must acquire the right quality, at the right time, and, most essentially, at the right price. However, when working on multiple projects or with multiple suppliers, ensuring you get your supplies at the right negotiated price can be challenging. The Difficulty…

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Approval Routing Case Study

Modular Assembly Innovations: Case Study on Data-Driven Approval Routing

Data-Driven Approval Routing: Processing QAD MRP Planned Orders & MRO PO Requisitions QAD User Group Fall Conference Session: A Case Study: Data-Driven Approval Routing – Processing QAD MRP Planned Orders & MRO PO Requisitions presented by Modular Assembly Innovations (MAI) business analyst Lori Braun and ISS Group’s CEO Andy Weinstein. The presentation provides an overview of the ISS Group ‘Data-Driven’ Approval Routing…

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AP Automation solution

The Advantages of Seamless Integration to Your ERP System with an AP Automation Solution

ERP systems play a vital role in the enhancement of a business’s back office functions related to technology, human resources, marketing, manufacturing, finances, and much more. Many companies are realizing that the functionality of these processes can be further enriched by integrating their ERP software with automated (processes and systems largely operated by technology) solutions…

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Approval Routing and Workflow

Embracing Data-Driven Approval Routing and Workflow Automation in 2020

In today’s hyper-competitive business space, finding ways to cut down on waste while improving throughput is a critical component of remaining competitive. As companies continue to adopt lean principles and agile project management methodologies, the battle against revenue leakage has become a focal point of many companies’ goals in 2020. In this war against waste,…

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Supplier Channel

QAD User Supply Channel: 5 Ways on How Communication and Collaboration Can Improve Supplier Relationships

The Supply Channel is an organizations ‘life-blood’, and therefore the nature of Supplier Relationship is a huge determinant of the business’ chances to succeed. The output of the organization is, largely, dependent on the input, which is availed by the supplier. A business establishment ought to, therefore, put a great deal of effort in maintaining…

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