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Date(s) - 04/08/2015
2:00 pm - 2:30 pm
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Mobile_Reqs_on_iPhone_-_v830 Minute Encore Presentation

ISS Group’s Purchase Order Requisition Management solution, iPurchase™ 2015 is here!
Do to the considerable interest we’ve received on our new Mobile Interface for iPurchase 2015, we are scheduling a second presentation on this topic; 

Wednesday, April 8th, 2015 at 2pm EST. Please click here to Register.
iPurchase Mobile Functionality
Business Process Improvement
Your work-force is Mobile…so is iPurchase. In this presentation we will show you how you can improve Purchase Requisition Cycle Time and Efficiency by bringing the office On-the-Road. Using iPurchase Mobile can keep the approval chain moving even when approvers are in planes, trains and automobiles…!