Project Snapshot

Detroit Chassis: Streamlining Procurement and Invoicing Processes

Who is Detroit Chassis?

Detroit Chassis is a manufacturer of OEM-compliant modules, sub-assemblies and complete vehicles. We’re lean, flexible, fast and efficient, giving us the competitive edge in our market…

Our manufacturing system and tooling strategies allow us to quickly and efficiently adjust production volumes to meet customer requirements and market demand.

At Detroit Chassis, we understand the critical importance of efficient procurement and invoicing processes in maintaining operational excellence. However, like many organizations, we encountered several challenges with our existing systems, particularly concerning purchase orders (POs) and supplier invoicing. Here’s how we addressed these issues and transformed our operations with the help of ISS Group’s innovative solutions.

“By implementing ISS Group’s procurement and invoicing solutions, we have seen a reduction in procurement cycle time and invoice processing time.  Our users enjoy the ease of use, and our suppliers appreciate the improved payment accuracy.  ISS Group has far exceeded our expectations with their world-class applications and world-class support teams.” 


Helena Parker
IT Manager at Detroit Chassis


Challenges with Purchase Orders and Purchase Requisitions:


Our previous procurement solution, QAD’s Global Requisitioning System (GRS), presented several obstacles:


  1. Difficult to maintain approval rules:


Adapting approval rules to changing business needs proved to be a cumbersome and time-consuming task. With the previous system, making even minor adjustments to approval workflows required manual intervention and extensive configuration efforts. This not only consumed valuable administrative resources but also led to delays in implementing necessary changes. Moreover, the complexity of the approval rule setup often resulted in errors or inconsistencies, further exacerbating the challenge of maintaining compliance with organizational policies and regulatory requirements.


  1. Management complexities during team member changes:


Transitioning team members presented significant challenges and disrupted the continuity of procurement processes. When key personnel responsible for managing procurement activities changed roles or left the organization, it often led to gaps in knowledge transfer and process documentation. As a result, incoming team members faced steep learning curves and struggled to navigate the intricacies of the procurement system effectively. This lack of continuity not only impacted productivity but also increased the risk of errors and compliance issues.


  1. Unprofessional purchase order prints:


Our purchase order prints suffered from a lack of professionalism, with terms often treated as an afterthought. The standard templates provided by the previous system failed to reflect the company’s branding and did not adhere to industry best practices for formatting and layout. As a result, purchase orders appeared disjointed and unprofessional, undermining the organization’s credibility and potentially leading to confusion or disputes with suppliers. Additionally, the absence of clear and comprehensive terms and conditions exposed the organization to legal and financial risks.


  1. Approval process requiring QAD login:


Requiring users to log in to the QAD system for approvals introduced unnecessary friction into the process. Users were forced to navigate through multiple screens and input their credentials each time they needed to approve a requisition or purchase order. This cumbersome login process not only slowed down approvals but also deterred users from actively participating in the procurement workflow. Furthermore, the dependency on QAD logins restricted approvers’ ability to review and approve requests on-the-go, impeding the overall agility and responsiveness of the approval process.


  1. Lack of escalation methods for slow approvals:


Delays in approval processes were challenging to address without a formal escalation mechanism in place. When requisitions or purchase orders remained stagnant in approval queues for extended periods, there was no automated process to trigger alerts or notifications to escalate the issue to higher-level authorities. As a result, bottlenecks went unnoticed until they reached critical levels, leading to missed deadlines, frustrated stakeholders, and potential disruptions to operations. The absence of proactive escalation methods hindered the organization’s ability to maintain timely and efficient procurement operations.


  1. Absence of administrator-level access for requisition editing:


In the absence of the original requisition entry user, there was no mechanism in place to edit or modify requisitions at an administrator level. This lack of administrative access created significant operational challenges, particularly during periods of staff turnover or absence. When requisitions required updates or revisions, administrators were unable to intervene directly, leading to delays and potential discrepancies in procurement records. This limitation not only hindered operational efficiency but also increased the risk of errors and compliance issues arising from outdated or inaccurate requisition information.


Solution: iPurchase Purchase Requisition Management


Addressing the challenges faced in our procurement processes required a comprehensive solution that not only streamlined workflows but also ensured compliance, efficiency, and seamless integration. ISS Group’s iPurchase Purchase Requisition Management solution emerged as the perfect fit, offering a range of features that transformed our procurement landscape.


  1. Enhanced usability and access to information:


With iPurchase, users experienced a significant improvement in usability and accessibility to relevant procurement information. The system presented users with a user-friendly interface that consolidated all pertinent information onto a single comprehensive review screen. This screen provided users with instant visibility into the status of their requisitions, including whether they were pending approval, approved, or rejected. Additionally, users could easily access associated purchase orders and receipts directly from the review screen, eliminating the need to navigate through multiple systems or documents. This enhanced usability not only streamlined the requisitioning process but also empowered users with the information they needed to make informed decisions and track the progress of their requests efficiently.


  1. Streamlined approval process:


iPurchase revolutionized the approval process by offering approvers the flexibility to review and approve requisitions conveniently using email and mobile devices. This feature eliminated the cumbersome requirement of logging into the QAD system for approvals, allowing approvers to take quick action from anywhere, at any time. By leveraging email and mobile approvals, the process became more agile and responsive, reducing approval cycle times and enabling faster decision-making. Moreover, the streamlined approval process contributed to greater user satisfaction and engagement, as it simplified the overall procurement workflow and reduced administrative burden.


  1. Improved oversight with escalation alerts:


One of the standout features of iPurchase was its ability to provide proactive oversight through escalation alerts. In instances where requisitions faced delays in approvals, the system automatically generated alerts to notify relevant stakeholders, such as department heads or procurement managers. These alerts served as early warning signals, prompting timely intervention to resolve bottlenecks and expedite the approval process. By ensuring that requisitions did not languish in approval queues, the system enhanced operational efficiency and minimized the risk of procurement delays. Ultimately, the implementation of escalation alerts contributed to a more proactive and responsive procurement environment, where potential issues could be addressed promptly before they escalated into larger problems.


  1. Administrative flexibility:


iPurchase empowered administrators with greater flexibility and control over the requisitioning process. In situations where the original user was unavailable to edit or modify a requisition, administrators had the ability to step in and make the necessary changes on behalf of the user. This administrative flexibility ensured continuity in the procurement process, even in the absence of the requisition entry user. By granting administrators the authority to edit requisitions, the system facilitated smoother operations and minimized disruptions caused by personnel changes or absences. This feature underscored iPurchase’s commitment to adaptability and user-centric design, allowing organizations to maintain efficiency and productivity regardless of staffing fluctuations.


  1. Corporate Compliance and Containment of Maverick Spending:


iPurchase played a pivotal role in enforcing corporate compliance by providing robust approval workflows. By establishing clear rules and hierarchies for approvals, the system effectively contained maverick spending, ensuring that all purchases adhere to corporate policies and budgets. This stringent control over expenditures has led to greater financial discipline and accountability across the organization.


  1. Utilization of Contract Pricing:


Leveraging contract pricing agreements is essential for maximizing cost savings and optimizing procurement efficiency. iPurchase seamlessly integrates contract pricing data, allowing users to access negotiated rates and terms directly within the requisitioning process. This ensures that procurement decisions are guided by pre-negotiated agreements, resulting in consistent cost savings and supplier relationship management.


  1. Ease of Creating Requisitions Using Punchouts:


The integration of punchout catalogs within iPurchase simplifies the requisitioning process, offering users access to a vast array of pre-approved products and services from preferred suppliers. With just a few clicks, users can browse catalogs, select items, and seamlessly generate requisitions, eliminating the need for manual data entry and ensuring accuracy and compliance with contracted suppliers.


  1. Importance of Routing and Obtaining Approvals:


iPurchase emphasizes the criticality of routing requisitions through the appropriate approval channels before purchasing. Through customizable approval workflows, the system ensures that requisitions are reviewed and approved by the relevant stakeholders, including department heads, budget managers, and procurement officers. This systematic approach mitigates the risk of unauthorized purchases and ensures alignment with organizational objectives.


  1. Seamless Integration with QAD:


Integration with our existing QAD system was paramount to ensuring a smooth transition and seamless data exchange. iPurchase seamlessly integrates with QAD, allowing for real-time synchronization of requisition data, purchase orders, and receipt information. This integration not only enhances data accuracy but also streamlines procurement operations by eliminating duplicate data entry and manual reconciliations.


In summary, ISS Group’s iPurchase solution has revolutionized our procurement processes by combining advanced features with a user-friendly interface. From enforcing compliance and leveraging contract pricing to simplifying requisition creation and ensuring seamless integration with QAD, iPurchase has become an indispensable tool in our quest for procurement excellence. With enhanced control, efficiency, and visibility, we are better positioned to meet our organizational goals and drive sustainable growth.


Challenges with Supplier Invoicing:


Our previous invoicing system relied on manual processes, leading to various inefficiencies:


  1. Invoices sent to incorrect addresses:


In our previous invoicing process, invoices were occasionally directed to incorrect email addresses or physical PO boxes. This resulted in delays and confusion, as invoices might not reach the appropriate accounts payable department or individuals responsible for processing payments. As a consequence, invoices might languish in the wrong inbox or go unnoticed, leading to missed payment deadlines, late fees, and strained relationships with suppliers. Additionally, the manual effort required to redirect misplaced invoices further compounded the administrative burden on staff members.


  1. Manual investigation of invoices:


Each incoming invoice required manual investigation to identify discrepancies or missing information before it could be processed into the QAD system. This manual effort consumed valuable time and resources, as accounts payable staff had to carefully scrutinize each invoice to ensure accuracy and compliance with established procurement procedures. Common issues included discrepancies in pricing or quantities, missing purchase order numbers or receipts, and discrepancies in terms or payment terms. Manual investigation not only prolonged the invoice processing cycle but also increased the likelihood of errors or oversight, leading to inefficiencies and potential financial losses.


  1. Tracking issues manually:


Tracking and resolving invoice-related issues manually was a labor-intensive and error-prone process. With multiple invoices arriving from various suppliers and in different formats, tracking the status of each invoice and resolving issues in a timely manner posed significant challenges. Accounts payable staff relied on spreadsheets or paper-based systems to document and track invoice-related issues, which were prone to errors and lacked real-time visibility. As a result, issues could easily fall through the cracks, leading to payment delays, disputes with suppliers, and potential financial liabilities. The lack of a centralized tracking system exacerbated the problem, making it difficult to maintain accountability and ensure timely resolution of invoice-related issues.


  1. Payment delays due to supplier issues:


Supplier payment holds and stop ships were common occurrences due to invoicing discrepancies or payment issues. Invoices with discrepancies or missing information often led to payment delays as accounts payable staff worked to resolve the issues with suppliers. Additionally, disputes over pricing, quantities, or delivery terms could result in payment holds or stop ships, disrupting the flow of goods and services and straining supplier relationships. These payment delays not only impacted cash flow and financial performance but also risked damaging the organization’s reputation and credibility with suppliers. Without an efficient mechanism for resolving invoice-related issues and facilitating timely payments, the organization faced increased operational risk and potential disruptions to its supply chain.


Solution: iVoucher Supplier Invoice Reconciliation


Implementing ISS Group’s iVoucher Supplier Invoice Reconciliation solution addressed these challenges effectively:


  1. Minimized loss of invoices:


Centralizing invoice reception within the iVoucher system played a crucial role in minimizing the loss of invoices. By establishing a single, centralized platform for receiving and managing invoices, the organization greatly reduced the chances of misplaced or lost invoices. Instead of relying on disparate email inboxes or physical mailrooms, invoices were directed to a designated location within the iVoucher system, ensuring they were promptly captured and accounted for. This centralized approach not only enhanced visibility and control over the invoice lifecycle but also mitigated the risk of overlooking or misplacing critical financial documents. As a result, the organization could better maintain compliance with payment deadlines, avoid late fees, and uphold strong relationships with suppliers.


  1. Automated alerts and tracking:


iVoucher provided automated alerts, queues, and tracking functionalities to streamline the resolution process for non-compliant invoices. Upon receipt, the system automatically flagged invoices that were missing critical information, such as purchase orders, receipts, or pricing discrepancies. These alerts served as proactive notifications to accounts payable staff, prompting them to take timely action to resolve the issues and ensure compliance with established procurement policies. Additionally, the system generated queues to prioritize and organize invoices based on their compliance status, enabling accounts payable teams to efficiently allocate resources and address high-priority issues first. By automating the alerting and tracking process, iVoucher significantly expedited invoice resolution, minimized manual intervention, and enhanced overall efficiency in the accounts payable workflow.


  1. Rules-based processing:


iVoucher leveraged automation and predefined rules to facilitate the processing of invoices, particularly for non-tangible services. Through rules-based processing, the system automatically applied predefined criteria and validation checks to incoming invoices, categorizing them based on their type, supplier, or transaction details.


For example, invoices for non-tangible services, such as consulting fees or software subscriptions, could be routed through specialized approval workflows tailored to the nature of the expense. This rules-based approach not only standardized invoice processing procedures but also ensured consistency and accuracy in compliance with organizational policies and regulatory requirements. By automating routine tasks and decision-making processes, iVoucher enabled accounts payable staff to focus their efforts on more strategic activities, such as supplier relationship management and financial analysis.


Ultimately, rules-based processing enhanced operational efficiency, reduced processing errors, and facilitated timely invoice processing and payment.


In conclusion, the adoption of ISS Group’s iPurchase and iVoucher solutions revolutionized our procurement and invoicing processes at Detroit Chassis. With enhanced usability, streamlined workflows, and automated functionalities, we have significantly improved efficiency, accuracy, and accountability across our operations. We look forward to continued optimization and success with these innovative solutions.

Join us in our journey toward procurement excellence with ISS Group’s cutting-edge solutions.

About ISS Group:

ISS Group excels in delivering innovative Data-Driven Approval Routing and Workflow Business Process Solutions designed to elevate the communication, efficiency, precision, and control of QAD Integrated Processes. These encompass a wide spectrum, including PO Requisition Approval, Supplier On-boarding, Supplier Invoice Approval, Project Budgets, Credit Authorizations, Unplanned Issues/Receipts, Lot Hold/Release, Scrap Authorizations, and numerous other vital functions. Our long-standing experience within all verticals of the QAD User Community positions us as experts who can help organizations maximize the value of their QAD systems while improving overall operational effectiveness. Visit us at