Improve Your QAD P2P Process: End-to-End P2P Boosts Efficiency‎

Special Offer Minimum savings of over $10,000! * According to Aberdeen Group, “…despite the availability of technology that can drastically reduce the mountains of paperwork and inefficiencies plaguing accounts payable, few companies have addressed their end-to-end P2P process like other processes essential to their business. HOWEVER, 58% of Best in Class companies invest in ‘Approvals’ in PO requisition, invoice…

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Digital Transformation: Process Automation and ‘Procurement’ for QAD

In today’s competitive business environment, even small and medium sized companies are investing in Digital Transformation via process automation in efforts to reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and maintain customer satisfaction. The universal directive to businesses to “do more with less” is being increasingly satisfied through the application of software. According to a 2015 report by Gartner,…

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QAD Users: Digital Transformation and the Procure to Pay Process

In this new age of Digital Transformation, organizations today understand the importance of a seamless Procure to Pay process. This process governs how an organization fulfills its day to day needs from suppliers, supported by easy-to-use requisition/ordering systems, approval workflows and reimbursement systems. It ‘closes the procurement loop’ as it enhances compliance to procurement contracts…

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