Agile BPI / Agile workflow can create more flexibility in controlling BPM

Workflow flexibility and agility on a global scale, knowledge work redesign, and workflow speed are the way organizations can maintain an agile workflow and survive this decade, according to Harvard Business Review. An agile business process improvement and workflow helps organizations control their business processes. For example, a company that rents equipment can avoid hidden costs due to…

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Agile BPI / Caterpillar versus butterfly in business process management

The old way – business process management – moved at the speed of a caterpillar, resulting in methodically and bureaucratically slow solutions. Today’s Agile business process improvement is more like a butterfly – able to move in any direction that will produce the best and fastest results. Here’s what we know today about Agile BPI versus traditional business…

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QAD Users: Grab the elevator ride to the Internet of Things

Most of us are on the ground floor of the Internet of Things (IoT). Samsung, Gartner, GE, a few others have started the climb, but plenty of companies don’t know which button to push. I can help you with this: start with Process Digitization. Transforming your company’s business processes from analog to digital will leverage 21st Century technology, connecting you to stakeholders…

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