Electronic Procurement: The First Step in Digitizing the Procure-to-Pay Process – Part 1

In today’s world, ‘Innovation’ is the key to success…! In this 3-part series, you will learn why digitizing your procurement process is no longer a luxury, but essential in the Procure-to-Pay (P2P) process for reducing costs and optimizing spend management. Digital transformation is the talk of the town, or should we say industry. You read about it,…

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QAD Community – BPI: ‘Seamless’ AP Automation and Procurement

ERP is far from a Static Space. Don’t get caught in the rearview mirror…! “While very often attention focuses on the latest, sexiest, hottest and most disruptive technology, it is still important to understand the impact of the software that actually runs the business”, such as AP Automation, Procurement…end to end Procure-to-Pay, states Cindy Jutras…

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You don’t need ‘Super Powers’ to help your business implement Business Process Improvement Solutions for QAD !

There is a lot of noise in the technology world, and this noise can make things confusing. It’s especially true for the non-geeks, who would prefer to focus on their business and just take advantage of Business Process Improvement technology to move their work forward. You’ve likely heard such terms as “BPM,”, “BPI”, “Approval Workflow”, “AP…

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Improve Your QAD P2P Process: End-to-End P2P Boosts Efficiency‎

Special Offer Minimum savings of over $10,000! * According to Aberdeen Group, “…despite the availability of technology that can drastically reduce the mountains of paperwork and inefficiencies plaguing accounts payable, few companies have addressed their end-to-end P2P process like other processes essential to their business. HOWEVER, 58% of Best in Class companies invest in ‘Approvals’ in PO requisition, invoice…

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Digital Transformation: Process Automation and ‘Procurement’ for QAD

In today’s competitive business environment, even small and medium sized companies are investing in Digital Transformation via process automation in efforts to reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and maintain customer satisfaction. The universal directive to businesses to “do more with less” is being increasingly satisfied through the application of software. According to a 2015 report by Gartner,…

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QAD Users: Digital Transformation and Approval Based Workflow

Digital Transformation is forcing organizations to quickly deploy and adapt processes to meet the tactical and strategic demands required by the business.  Organizations not only need to find a way to circumvent the traditional approaches to technology implementation, but they also need solutions that are more intuitive and utilize user-configurable rules-driven approval workflow; offering a more…

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