Approval Routing Case Study

Modular Assembly Innovations: Case Study on Data-Driven Approval Routing

Data-Driven Approval Routing: Processing QAD MRP Planned Orders & MRO PO Requisitions QAD User Group Fall Conference Session: A Case Study: Data-Driven Approval Routing – Processing QAD MRP Planned Orders & MRO PO Requisitions presented by Modular Assembly Innovations (MAI) business analyst Lori Braun and ISS Group’s CEO Andy Weinstein. The presentation provides an overview of the ISS Group ‘Data-Driven’ Approval Routing…

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Next wave of change in procurement

How COVID-19 is driving The Next Wave of Change in Procurement

The New ‘Business-Norm’ What is driving the Next Wave of change in Procurement? 1. Shift towards Business Process Automation and ‘Data-driven’ Approval Routing and Workflow. 2. Priorities of procurement leaders and their teams have rapidly shifted from running sourcing processes and negotiating contracts to partnering with business leaders so that they can immediately understand leaders’ requirements…

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4 Best Practices for Ensuring Procurement Compliance

Over the years, due to increased competition, the role of procurement and procurement compliance in the organizational ecosystem has evolved. Initially, companies employed a passive procurement approach, which was primarily a clerical function supporting the technical aspects of a company. This evolved into independent procurement, which had more focus on improving efficiency, then supportive procurement, which…

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Recorded Presentation: AP Automation for QAD: Touchless Invoice Processing

AP Automation for QAD: Touchless Invoice Processing Watch today to hear Sean Brown, IT Manager at Somero Enterprises explain how Somero has achieved a greater than 60% touchless invoice processing rate by using the  iVoucher™ AP Automation solution for QAD, and the benefits/ROI that accomplishment has generated. Learn why automated Line Item ‘pairing and matching’ with QAD PO/Receipts is…

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AP Automation solution

The Advantages of Seamless Integration to Your ERP System with an AP Automation Solution

ERP systems play a vital role in the enhancement of a business’s back office functions related to technology, human resources, marketing, manufacturing, finances, and much more. Many companies are realizing that the functionality of these processes can be further enriched by integrating their ERP software with automated (processes and systems largely operated by technology) solutions…

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Approval Routing and Workflow

Embracing Data-Driven Approval Routing and Workflow Automation in 2020

In today’s hyper-competitive business space, finding ways to cut down on waste while improving throughput is a critical component of remaining competitive. As companies continue to adopt lean principles and agile project management methodologies, the battle against revenue leakage has become a focal point of many companies’ goals in 2020. In this war against waste,…

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Supplier Channel

QAD User Supply Channel: 5 Ways on How Communication and Collaboration Can Improve Supplier Relationships

The Supply Channel is an organizations ‘life-blood’, and therefore the nature of Supplier Relationship is a huge determinant of the business’ chances to succeed. The output of the organization is, largely, dependent on the input, which is availed by the supplier. A business establishment ought to, therefore, put a great deal of effort in maintaining…

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Documnent Approval Routing

Data-Driven Approval Routing and Workflow for QAD Users | MWUG Fall 2019 Case Study

Sean Brown, IT Manager at Somero Enterprises presents Data-Driven Approval Routing and Workflow Download the session Presentation….click here Learn how Somero Enterprises uses the iApprove® Data-Driven Approval Routing and Workflow solution, which is seamlessly integrated with QAD EA, to manage transactions such as Sales Quotes, Machine Deviations and HR forms. New for 2020…. ISS Group…

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