Agile BPI / Does Maverick Spend Undermine your Indirect Spend…? Part I

How does a Maverick affect your organizations bottom line?   Being a maverick can sometimes be good in business, but not when it comes to procurement. Maverick spending is a major challenge for finance professionals, with recent studies showing that, on average, one-third of all purchases; specifically Indirect Spend within organizations are made without the…


Agile BPI / Controlling Maverick Spend through Supplier Compliance

In past blog entries related to Maverick Spend, we’ve really only discussed spend compliance and process compliance from an internal viewpoint, but suppliers (Supplier Compliance) are also part of the equation. When buyers use spend analytics to identify non-compliance, many root causes tie back to suppliers, such as: incorrect catalog/PO pricing relative to contracts incorrect…


Agile BPI / QAD EA: Unmanaged Spend has created a Crisis

The challenge: Unmanaged Spend The Gartner Group states that ‘Maverick Spend’, or uncontrolled spend…at times referred to as Tail Spend, often falls below the radar of enterprise procurement policies because the transactions that constitute it are relatively small. Yet, cumulatively, these maverick transactions form a substantial sum. In many cases, enterprises are spending more in…


Agile BPI / QAD EA Users: How does automated approval routing help control Maverick Spend?

‘Maverick spend’ is the expense resulting from purchases made within an organization by circumventing pre-established procurement policies and other standard corporate procedures. Such rogue spending and lack of automation can cause serious losses to a company’s bottom line. As illustrated by data from APQC’s Open Standards Benchmarking in procurement, organizations that do not take steps…


Agile BPI / How does Supplier Catalog Management and Supplier Contracts help control Maverick Spend?

According to ProcurementBulletin (PB), a web magazine devoted to helping supply chain professionals stay informed, eighty-five percent (85%) of maverick buying (uncontrolled buying) is not uncommon. In other words, very few companies have an e-Procurement system that captures the benefits of a sourcing initiative, for example contract usage and compliance. The result is maverick buying…


Agile BPI / Cost Savings – A priority in today’s economy!

Prime Advantage, a buying consortium for midsized manufacturers headquartered in Chicago, with 750 member companies and more than 125 endorsed suppliers announced the findings of its 14th edition of the Purchasing and Manufacturing Survey, revealing financial projections and procurement insights from more than 750 U.S. manufacturing companies. One of their key findings of the survey:…
