Supplier Channel

QAD User Supply Channel: 5 Ways on How Communication and Collaboration Can Improve Supplier Relationships

The Supply Channel is an organizations ‘life-blood’, and therefore the nature of Supplier Relationship is a huge determinant of the business’ chances to succeed. The output of the organization is, largely, dependent on the input, which is availed by the supplier. A business establishment ought to, therefore, put a great deal of effort in maintaining…

Documnent Approval Routing

Data-Driven Approval Routing and Workflow for QAD Users | MWUG Fall 2019 Case Study

Sean Brown, IT Manager at Somero Enterprises presents Data-Driven Approval Routing and Workflow Download the session Presentation….click here Learn how Somero Enterprises uses the iApprove® Data-Driven Approval Routing and Workflow solution, which is seamlessly integrated with QAD EA, to manage transactions such as Sales Quotes, Machine Deviations and HR forms. New for 2020…. ISS Group…