P2P Automation

Automation for Every Step of the Procure-to-Pay Process

Automation for Every Step of the Procure-to-Pay Process Adapting your organization to the modern business climate means automating and integrating your work flow. Automation saves valuable hours of manual work and lowers the cost of production for companies. Integration makes insight-rich information more readily available for making informed business decisions. That’s the accepted theory that’s behind the ongoing mass-migration to cloud-based,…

Procurement Compliance

How Procure to Pay Solutions Drive Corporate Controls and Compliance for Modern Organizations

In the procurement space, organizational compliance, and adhering to strict spending caps is a challenge. Occasional noncompliance may seem harmless, but overspending becomes a problem when the economy becomes more volatile. We build spending caps into our work flow to avoid vulnerability to major swings in the economy, not for marginal profit padding when the…